B. Tables of Units and Constants



Unit (Full Name)


Value in SI Units




a (are)


100 m2

A (ampere)


1 A

acre (acre)


4046.87260987 m2

arcmin (minute of arc)


2.90888208666 x 10-4r

arcs (second of arc)


4.8481368111 x 10-6r

atm (atmosphere)


101325 kg / m•s2

au (astronomical unit)


1.495979 x 1011 m

Å (Angstrom)


1 x 10-10m

b (barn)


1 x 10-28m2

bar (bar)


100000 kg / m•s2

bbl (barrel)


.158987294928 m3

Bq (becquerel)


1 1 / s

Btu (international table Btu)


1055.05585262 kg•m2 / s2

bu (bushel)


.03523907 m3

oC (degree Celsius)


1K or 274.15 K

c (speed of light)


299792458 m / s

C (coulomb)


1 A•s

cal (calorie)


4.1868 kg•m2 / s2

cd (candela)


1 cd

chain (chain)


20.1168402337 m

Ci (curie)


3.7 x 1010 1 / s

ct (carat)


.0002 kg

cu (US cup)


2.365882365 x 10-4m3

o (degree)


1.74532925199 x 10-2r

d (day)


86400 s

dB (decibel)


1 (dimensionless value)

dyn (dyne)


.00001 kg / m•s2

erg (erg)


.0000001 kg•m2 / s2

eV (electron volt)


1.60217733 x 10-19kg•m2/s2

F (farad)


1 A2•s4 / kg•m2




Tables of Units and Constants B-1