Type: Function

Description: Fanning Friction Factor Function: Calculates the Fanning friction factor of certain fluid flows.

FANNING calculates the Fanning friction factor, a correction factor for the frictional effects of fluid flows having constant temperature, crosssect ion, velocity, and viscosity (a typical pipe flow, for example). xx/D is the relative roughness (the ratio of the conduit roughness to its diameter). yRe is the Reynolds number. The function uses different computation routines for laminar flow (Re ≤ 2100) and turbulent flow (Re > 2100). xx/D and yRe must be real numbers or unit objects that reduce to dimensionless numbers, and both numbers must be greater than 0.

Access: …µFANNING

Flags: Numerical Results (–3)




Level 2/Argument 1

Level 1/Argument 2


Level 1/Item 1



























See also:

























Description: Fast 3D Plot Type Command: Sets the plot type to FAST 3D.

When plot type is set to FAST3D, the DRAW command plots an image graph of a 3vector valued function of two variables. FAST3D requires values in the reserved variables EQ, VPAR, and PPAR.

VPAR is made up of the following elements:

{xleft,xright, ynear, yfar,zlow,zhigh,xmin,xmax, ymin, ymax,xeye, yeye,zeye,xstep, ystep }

For plot type FAST3D, the elements of VPAR are used as follows:

xleft and xright are real numbers that specify the width of the view space.

ynear and yfar are real numbers that specify the depth of the view space.

zlow and zhigh are real numbers that specify the height of the view space.

xmin and xmax are not used.

ymin and ymax are not used.

xeye, yeye, and zeye are are not used.

xstep and ystep are real numbers that set the number of xcoordina tes versus the number of y coordinates plotted.

The plotting parameters are specified in the reserved variable PPAR, which has this form:

{(xmin, ymin),(xmax, ymax),indep,res,axes,ptype,depend } For plot type FAST3D, the elements of PPAR are used as follows:

(xmin, ymin) is not used.

(xmax, ymax) is not used.

indep is a name specifying the independent variable. The default value of indep is X.

res is not used.

axes is not used.

ptype is a command name specifying the plot type. Executing the command FAST3D places the name FAST3D in ptype.

depend is a name specifying the dependent variable. The default value is Y.

384 Full Command and Function Reference

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Image 204
HP 50g Graphing, 48gII Graphing manual Fanning, FAST3D, Access …µFANNING