The following program, VSPH, calculates the volume of a sphere. VSPH prompts for the radius of the sphere, then cubes it and multiplies by 4/3 π. VSPH executes INPUT to prompt for the radius. INPUT sets Program-entry mode when program execution pauses for data entry.







"Key in radius"

Specifies the prompt string.


Specifies the command-line string.


In this case, the command line will be




Displays the prompt, puts the cursor at


the start of the command line, and


suspends the program for data input


(the radius of the sphere).


Converts the result string into its


component object — a real number.

3 ^

Cubes the radius.

4 * 3 / π * →NUM

Completes the calculation.






Stores the program in VSPH.




Execute VSPH to calculate the volume of a sphere of radius 2.5.


Key in the radius and continue program execution. 2.5 `

RPL Programming 1-41