Bipolar Transistors (13, 3)

These equations for an NPN silicon bipolar transistor are based on largesignal models developed by J. J. Ebers and J.L. Moll. The offsetvoltage calculation differs d epending on whether the transistor is saturated or not. The equations also include the special conditions when the emitterbase or collectorbase junction is open , which are convenient for measuring transistor parameters.


q ⋅ VBE

q ⋅ VBE



IE = –IES ⋅ e


k ⋅ T

– 1

+ αR ⋅ ICS ⋅ e

k ⋅ T

– 1





q ⋅ VBC

q ⋅ VBE




IC = –ICS ⋅  e

k ⋅ T

– 1

+ αF ⋅ IES ⋅  e

k ⋅ T

– 1




IS = αR ⋅ IES



IS = αR ⋅ ICS


IB + IE + IC = 0

ICO = ICS ⋅ (1 – αF ⋅ αR)










1 – αF




1 + IC----- ⋅ (1 – αR)







VCEsat =

⋅ LN







1 – αF 




αR ⋅

1 – IB-----

----------------αF  


Given: IES=1E–5_nA, ICS=2E–5_nA, T=26.85_°C, αF=.98, αR=.49, IC=1_mA, VBC= –10_V.

Solution: VBE=0.6553_V, IS=0.0000098_nA, ICO=0.000010396_nA, ICEO=0.0005198_nA, IE= 1.0204_mA, IB=0.0204_mA, VCEsat=0_V.

JFETs (13, 4)

These equations for a silicon Nchannel junction fi eldeffect transistor (JFET) are based on the singl esided step junction approximation, which assumes the gates are heavily doped compared to the channel doping,. The drain current calculation differs depending on whether the gatejunction depletionlayer thickness is less t han or greater than the channel thickness. The equations assume the channel is uniformly doped and end effects (such as contact, drain, and source resistances) are negligible. (See “SIDENS” in Chapter 3.)

554 Equation Reference

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Image 490
HP 50g Graphing, 48gII Graphing manual Bipolar Transistors 13, JFETs 13