If axes contains any strings other than 0, 1 or n, the DIFFEQ plotter uses the default strings 0 and 1, and plots the independent variable on the horizontal axis and the dependent variable on the vertical.

ptype is a command name specifying the plot type. Executing the command DIFFEQ places the command name DIFFEQ in PPAR.

depend is a list, { Y y0 xErrTol }, containing a name that specifies the dependent variable (the solution), and two numbers that specify the initial value of Y and the global absolute error tolerance in the solution Y. The default values for these elements are { Y 0 .0001 }

EQ must define the righthand side of the initial val ue problem Y'(XF(X,Y). Y can return a real value or real vector when evaluated.

The DIFFEQplotter attempts to make the interval b etween values of the independent variable as large as possible, while keeping the computed solution within the specified error tolerance xErrTol. This tolerance may hold only at the computed points. Straight lines are drawn between computed step endpoints, and these lines may not accurately represent the actual shape of the solution. res limits the maximum interval size to provide higher plot resolution.

On exit from DIFFEQ plot, the first elements of indep and depnd (identifiers) contain the final values of X and Y, respectively.

If EQ contains a list, the initial value problem is solved and plotted using a combination of Rosenbrock (3,4) and RungeKuttaFehlberg (4,5) met hods. In this case DIFFEQ uses RRKSTEP to calculate yf, and EQ must contain two additional elements:

The second element of EQ must evaluate to the partial derivative of Y' with respect to X, and can return a real value or real vector when evaluated.

The third element of EQ must evaluate to the partial derivative of Y' with respect to Y, and can return a real value or a real matrix when evaluated.

Access: …µDIFFEQ




See also:












Creates an empty directory structure in run mode. Can be used as an alternative to CRDIR to


create an empty directory by typing DIR 'NAME' STO, which will create an empty directory


'NAME' if it does not already exist in the current directory.















Level 1/Argument 1

Level 1/Item 1








See also:
















Display Command: Displays obj in the nth display line.



n ≤ 1 indicates the top line of the display.


To facilitate the display of messages, strings are displayed without the surrounding " " delimiters. All other objects are displayed in the same form as would be used if the object were in level 1 in the multiline display format. If the object display requires more than one display line, the display starts in line n, and continues down the display either to the end of the object or the bottom of the display. The object displayed by DISP persists in the display only until the keyboard is ready

360 Full Command and Function Reference

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HP 50g Graphing, 48gII Graphing manual Dir, Disp, Access …µDIFFEQ Input/Output