Columns and Beams (1)

Variable Description

ºEccentricity (offset) of load


Critical stress


Maximum stress

θSlope at x

ACross-sectional area

aDistance to point load

cDistance to edge fiber (Eccentric Columns), or Distance to applied moment (beams)

EModulus of elasticity

IMoment of inertia

KEffective length factor of column

LLength of column or bean

MApplied moment


Internal bending moment at x

PLoad (Eccentric Columns), or Point load (beams)


Critical load

rRadius of gyration

VShear force at x

wDistributed load

xDistance along beam

yDeflection at x

For simply supported beams and cantilever beams (“Simple Deflection” through “Cantilever Shear”), the calculations differ depending upon the location of x relative to the loads.

Applied loads are positive downward.

The applied moment is positive counterclockwise.

Deflection is positive upward.

Slope is positive counterclockwise

Internal bending moment is positive counterclockwise on the left-hand part.

Shear force is positive downward on the left-hand part.

Reference: 2.

Equation Reference 5-3