
« » S2 returns "!NO CODE!RPL:: x« x»;@".




Description: XLIB conversion command: Convert reals to an XLIB and vice versa.


Level 2/Argument 1 Level 1/Argument 2 Level 1/Item 1



































Level 1/Argument 1


Level 2/Item 1

Level 1/Item 2




















Example 1:

#314h #40h XLIB~ returns ZEROS.




Example 2:

1648 2 XLIB~ returns XLIB 1648 2.




Example 3:

{ SYLVESTER } OBJDROP XLIB~ returns 788. 78..


CRLIB – Create Library Command

A library is one of the most complex objects in the calculator. One of the basic uses of a library is to group all the files of an application.

In order to create a library, you must store in a directory all the variables that will be part of this library. Then, you must store configuration information in some special variables.

The $TITLE variable must contain a character string defining the title of the library. This string must be less than 256 characters long. The first five characters will be used for the name that is shown in the library menu.

The $ROMID variable must contain the library number or your library. This number must be in the range 769 to 1791. In order to avoid conflicts, you should go to www.hpcalc.org to check whether the number is already in use. This variable may contain either a real or an integer.

The $CONFIG variable contains the library configuration object which is run at warmstart. The basic action that this program should perform is to attach the library to the home directory. Placing a real or an integer in the $CONFIG variable will cause the CRLIB command to generate a default CONFIG object. This program must leave the stack intact and is not allowed to produce errors.

The $VISIBLE variable contains a list of all the variables in the current directory that you want to have visible in the library menu.

The $HIDDEN variable contains a list of all the variables in the current directory that you want to have invisible in the library. They are generally subprograms of your application.

The $EXTPRG variable contains the name of the extension program of the library. This program must be either a visible or an hidden object of the library. See the Extension program section below for more information.

Then, once you have specified the required variables, you can type CRLIB to create the library. CRLIB places the library on level 1 of the stack.

The Development Library 6-9