
Constant (Full Name)


Value in SI Units




NA (Avogadro’s number)


6.0221367 x 1023 1 / gmol

k (Boltzmann)


1.380658 x 10-23J / K

Vm (molar volume)


22.4141 l / gmol

R (universal gas)


8.31451 J / (gmol•K)

StdT (standard temperature)


273.15 K

StdP (standard pressure)


101.325 kPa

σ (Stefan-Boltzmann)


5.67051 x 10-8W / (m2•K4)

c (speed of light)


299792458 m/s

ε0 (permittivity)


8.85418781761 x 10-12F / m

µ0 (permeability)


1.25663706144 x 10-6H / m

g (acceleration of gravity)


9.80665 m / s2

G (gravitation)


6.67259 x 10-11m3 / (s2•kg)

h (Planck’s)


6.6260755 x 10-34J•s

hbar (Dirac’s)


1.05457266 x 10-34J•s

q (electronic charge)


1.60217733 x 10-19C

me (electron mass)


9.1093897 x 10-31kg

qme (q/me ratio)


175881962000 C / kg

mp (proton mass)


1.6726231 x 10-27kg

mpme (mp/me ratio)



α (fine structure)



ø (mag flux quantum)


2.06783461 x 10-15Wb

F (Faraday)


96485.309 C / gmol

R∞ (Rydberg)


10973731.534 1/m

a0 (Bohr radius)


0.0529177249 nm

µB (Bohr magneton)


9.2740154 x 10-24J / T

µN (nuclear magneton)


5.0507866 x 10-27J / T

λ0 (photon wavelength)


1239.8425 nm

f0 (photon frequency)


2.4179883 x 1014 Hz

λc (Compton wavelength)


0.00242631058 nm

rad (1 radian)


1 r

two̟ (2π radians)


6.28318530718 r

angl (€ in trig mode)


180 °

c3 (Wien’s)


0.002897756 m•K

kq (k/q)


0.00008617386 J / (K*C)

ε0q (ε0/q)


55263469.6 F / (m*C)

qε0 (q*ε0)


1.4185978 x 10-30F*C / m

εsi (dielectric constant)



εox (SiO2 dielectric constant)



I0 (ref intensity)


0.000000000001 W / m2

Tables of Units and Constants B-5