The character set in the HP 82240A Infrared Printer does not match the character set of the calculator:

24 characters in the calculator’s character set are not available in the HP 82240A Infrared Printer. (From the table in Appendix J, these characters are numbers 129, 130, 143157, 159, 166, 169, 172, 174, 184, and 185.) The HP 82240A prints a  in substitution.

Many characters in the extended character table (character codes 128 through 255) do not have

the same character code. For example, the « character has code 171 in the calculator and code 146 in the HP 82240A Infrared Printer.

To use the CHR command to print extended characters with an HP 82240A Infrared Printer, first execute OLDPRT. The remapping string modified by OLDPRT is the second parameter in PRTPAR. This string (which is empty in the default state) changes the character code of each byte to match the codes in the HP 82240A Infrared Printer character table.

To cancel OLDPRT character mapping in order to print to an HP 82240B Infrared Printer, purge the PRTPAR variable. To print a string containing graphics data, disable OLDPRT.

Access: …µOLDPRT



Type: Command

Description: Open I/O Port Command: Opens a serial port using the I/O parameters in the reserved variable


Since all Kermitprotocol commands automatically e ffect an OPENIO first, OPENIO is not normally needed, but can be used if an I/O transmission does not work. OPENIO is necessary for interaction with devices that interpret a closed port as a break.

OPENIO is also necessary for the automatic reception of data into the input buffer using non Kermit commands. If the port is closed, incoming characters are ignored. If the port is open, incoming characters are automatically placed in the input buffer (up to 255 characters). These characters can be detected with BUFLEN, and can be read out of the input buffer using SRECV.

If the port is already open, OPENIO does not affect the data in the input buffer. However, if the port is closed, executing OPENIO clears the data in the input buffer.

For more information, refer to the reserved variable IOPAR in appendix D, “Reserved Variables”.

Access: …µOPENIO

Flags: I/O Device (–33), I/O Device for Wire (–78)

Input/Output: None



Type: Function

Description: OR Function: Returns the logical OR of two arguments.

When the arguments are binary integers or strings, OR does a bitbybit (base 2) logical comparison.

An argument that is a binary integer is treated as a sequence of bits as long as the current wordsize. Each bit in the result is determined by comparing the corresponding bits (bit1 and bit2) in the two arguments as shown in the following table:

3160 Full Command and Function Reference

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HP 50g Graphing, 48gII Graphing manual Openio, Access …µOLDPRT, Access …µOPENIO