Installation and Getting Started Guide
HP9300(config)# ip dns
HP9300(config)# ip dns
Syntax: ip dns
In this example, the first IP address in the ip dns
To map a domain name server to multiple IP addresses:
1.Log on to the device using a valid user name and password for
2.Do one of the following:
•On the HP
•On a routing switch – Click on the plus sign next to Configure in the tree view, then click on the plus sign next to IP, then select DNS to display the DNS panel.
3.Enter the domain name in the Domain Name field.
4.Enter an IP address for each device that will serve as a gateway to the domain name server.
NOTE: The first address entered will be the primary DNS gateway address. The other addresses will be used in chronological order, left to right, if the primary address is available.
5.Click the Apply button to save the change to the device’s
6.Select the Save link at the bottom of the dialog. Select Yes when prompted to save the configuration change to the
Using a DNS Name To Initiate a Trace Route
Suppose you want to trace the route from a routing switch to a remote server identified as NYC02 on domain Because the domain is already defined on the routing switch, you need to enter only the host name, NYC02, as noted below.
HP9300# traceroute nyc02
Syntax: traceroute
The only required parameter is the IP address of the host at the other end of the route. See the Command Line Interface Reference for information about the parameters.
After you enter the command, a message indicating that the DNS query is in process and the current gateway address (IP address of the domain name server) being queried appear on the screen:
Sending DNS Query to
Tracing Route to IP node
To ABORT Trace Route, Please | use | command. | ||
Traced route to target IP node |
| |||
IP Address | Round | Trip Time1 | Round | Trip Time2 | | 93 msec |
| 121 msec |
NOTE: In the above example, is the IP address of the domain name server (default DNS gateway address), and represents the IP address of the NYC02 host.
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