Configuring BGP4
•RFC 2842. This RFC specifies the Capability Advertisement, which a BGP4 router uses to dynamically negotiate a capability with a neighbor.
•RFC 2858 for
NOTE: The HP implementation of dynamic route refresh supports negotiation of IP version 4 unicasts only.
The dynamic route refresh capability is enabled by default when you upgrade to software release 07.1.X and cannot be disabled. When the routing switch sends a BGP4 OPEN message to a neighbor, the routing switch includes a Capability Advertisement to inform the neighbor that the routing switch supports dynamic route refresh.
NOTE: The option for dynamically refreshing routes received from a neighbor requires the neighbor to support dynamic route refresh. If the neighbor does not support this feature, the option does not take effect and the software displays an error message. The option for dynamically
To use the dynamic refresh feature, use either of the following methods.
Dynamically Refreshing Routes
The following sections describe how to dynamically refresh BGP4 routes to place new or changed filters into effect.
To request a dynamic refresh of all routes from a neighbor, enter a command such as the following:
This command asks the neighbor to send its BGP4 table
Syntax: clear ip bgp neighbor all
The all
The soft [in out] parameter specifies whether you want to refresh the routes received from the neighbor or sent to the neighbor:
•soft in requests the neighbor’s entire BGP4 route table
•soft out updates all outbound routes, then sends the routing switch’s entire BGP4 route table
If you do not specify in or out, the routing switch performs both options.
To dynamically resend all the routing switch’s BGP4 routes to a neighbor, enter a command such as the following:
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