Configuring BGP4



Table 10.6: BGP4 Neighbor Information (Continued)







This Field...









TCP Connection state


The state of the connection with the neighbor. The connection can




have one of the following states:




• LISTEN – Waiting for a connection request.




SYN-SENT – Waiting for a matching connection request after




having sent a connection request.




SYN-RECEIVED – Waiting for a confirming connection request




acknowledgment after having both received and sent a




connection request.




• ESTABLISHED – Data can be sent and received over the




connection. This is the normal operational state of the








FIN-WAIT-1 – Waiting for a connection termination request from




the remote TCP, or an acknowledgment of the connection




termination request previously sent.




FIN-WAIT-2 – Waiting for a connection termination request from




the remote TCP.




CLOSE-WAIT – Waiting for a connection termination request




from the local user.




• CLOSING – Waiting for a connection termination request




acknowledgment from the remote TCP.




LAST-ACK – Waiting for an acknowledgment of the connection




termination request previously sent to the remote TCP (which




includes an acknowledgment of its connection termination








TIME-WAIT – Waiting for enough time to pass to be sure the




remote TCP received the acknowledgment of its connection




termination request.




• CLOSED – There is no connection state.







Local host


The IP address of the routing switch.







Local port


The TCP port the routing switch is using for the BGP4 TCP session




with the neighbor.







Remote host


The IP address of the neighbor.







Remote port


The TCP port the neighbor is using for the BGP4 TCP session with




the routing switch.









The initial send sequence number for the session.









The next sequence number to be sent.









The number of sequence numbers sent by the routing switch that




have not been acknowledged by the neighbor.









The number of sequence numbers sent to the neighbor.









The number of sequence numbers that the routing switch




retransmitted because they were not acknowledged.






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