Policies and Filters
Zone Filter to block Marketing from accessing Engineering
FilterID Action Zone
1 | Deny | Marketing | |
1024 | Permit | any | |
Macintosh |
| Macintosh |
computer |
| computer |
Macintosh |
| Macintosh |
computer |
| computer |
Engineering zone does not appear in Marketing’s Choosers.
However, RTMP is not
Figure D.6 AppleTalk zone filter
Appletalk Zone Filters
AppleTalk zone filters let you secure access to an AppleTalk zone. The filter controls whether the routing switch includes the zone in replies to a MAC chooser’s ZIP GetZoneList request.
An AppleTalk zone filter permits (advertises) or denies (does not advertise) the specified zone. The zone does not appear in MAC user’s choosers but you can still ping the networks that belong to the zone.
NOTE: Unlike other filters, the default action for AppleTalk filters does not change from permit to deny when you create a filter. To permit only specific zones and deny all others, create permit filters for the zones you want to permit, then use the following command to create a deny filter for all other zones:
appletalk deny zone
You configure and apply AppleTalk zone filters on individual ports.
Use the following CLI commands or Web management interface panels to configure AppleTalk zone filters.
Table C.18: AppleTalk Zone Filters
CLI syntax | Web management links |
zones | Zone Filter |
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