Configuring AppleTalk

8.Beginning in software release 06.x, the AppleTalk ARP age is a global parameter instead of an interface parameter. When you enter an ARP age value for a port and apply the change to the running-config file or save the change to the startup-config file, the change is saved as the global setting. If you try to set different values for different ports, the interface does not display an error message. Instead, the most recent value you enter before saving the configuration change becomes the global setting.

9.Enable the routing option.

10.Configure the range of supported network addresses by entering the lowest supported number in the Start Network Range field and the highest supported number in the End Network Range field.

11.Enter the AppleTalk address for the port. The address should be a two decimal number, and the first number should be within the network range entered in step 10 above.

12.Enter a zone name for the port.

NOTE: To enter multiple zone names for a port, select the Configure Zone Name link at the bottom of the entry panel. A separate entry panel for that interface will appear. Enter the name(s) of the other zone(s) on an individual basis, selecting the Add button after each entry. For this example, a summary panel shows the resulting configuration (Figure 15.3).

NOTE: If you do not enter any values other than zero in the network range or address field, and the zone name field is empty, the router will be a non-seed router.

13.Click the Apply button to apply the changes to the device’s running-config file.

14.Select the Save link at the bottom of the dialog. Select Yes when prompted to save the configuration change to the startup-config file on the device’s flash memory.

Configuring a Non-seed AppleTalk Router

This section describes how to configure a non-seed router using the CLI or the Web management interface.

To configure a non-seed router, perform the following tasks:

1.Verify that at least one AppleTalk router in the network of the routing switch being configured is operating as a seed router.

NOTE: This requirement ensures that the non-seed router has a seed router on the same segment, from which it can learn configuration details.

2.Enable AppleTalk at the global level.

3.Enable AppleTalk routing on the interface(s).

Enabling AppleTalk Routing at the Global (System) Level

To enable AppleTalk on the routing switch, use one of the following methods:


HP9300(config)# router appletalk


1.Log on to the device using a valid user name and password for read-write access. The System configuration dialog is displayed.

2.Select the Enable radio button next to AppleTalk.

3.Click the Apply button to apply the changes to the device’s running-config file.

4.Select the Save link at the bottom of the dialog. Select Yes when prompted to save the configuration change to the startup-config file on the device’s flash memory.

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