Policies and Filters
•A BGP4 address filter applied to inbound packets permits (learns) or denies (drops) the specified network address in BGP4 updates received from a BGP4 neighbor.
•A BGP4 address filter applied to outbound packets permits (advertises) or denies (drops) the specified network address in BGP4 updates the device sends to a BGP4 neighbor.
You define BGP4 address filters globally, then apply them as part of a BGP4 neighbor's distribute list or as part of a match statement in a route map.
Use the following CLI commands or Web management interface panels to configure BGP4 address filters.
Table C.20: BGP4 Address Filters
CLI syntax | Web management links |
| |
HP9300(config-bgp-router)# address-filter <num> permit deny | Configure->BGP->Address Filter |
<ip-addr> <ip-mask> any <ip-addr> <ip-mask> any | |
HP9300(config-bgp-router)# neighbor <router-id> | Configure->BGP->Neighbor |
remote-as <as-number> [advertisement-interval <num>] | |
[distribute-list in out <num,num,...>] [ebgp-multihop] | |
[filter-list in out <num,num,...>] [maximum-prefix <num>] | |
[next-hop-self] [remote-as <as-number>] [route-map <map-name>] | |
[send-community] [weight <num>] | |
HP9300(config-bgp-routemap RMAP_NAME)# match | Configure->BGP->Route Map Filter |
as-path-filters community-filters address-filters <num,num,...> | |
[metric <num>] [next-hop <ip-addr>] | |
[route-type internal external-type1 external-type2] | |
[tag <tag-value>] | |
| |
NOTE: The neighbor command adds a BGP neighbor. The distribute-listparameter specifies a list of address filters and whether the list is applied to inbound or outbound BGP updates.
NOTE: The match command compares the information you configure for the command’s parameters against BGP routes. You use this command when configuring a route map. If the comparison matches a route, set statements in the route map specify the action to take. See “Defining Route Maps” on page 10-59.
BGP4 AS-Path Filters
BGP4 AS-path filters control whether the device learns or drops BGP4 route information based on the route’s AS path. The AS-pathis the list of BGP4 autonomous systems (ASs) through which the route information has traveled to reach the device.
•A BGP4 AS-path filter applied to inbound packets permits (learns) or denies (drops) routes for networks with the specified AS-path in BGP4 updates received from a BGP4 neighbor.
•A BGP4 AS-path filter applied to outbound packets permits (advertises) or denies (drops) routes for networks with the specified AS-path in BGP4 updates sent to a BGP4 neighbor.