Configuring IP

NOTE: The host-based load sharing for the destination takes effect only if the IP route table contains an entry that exactly matches the destination network you specify. For example, if you configure host-based load sharing for destination network, the IP route table must contain a route entry for that network. In fact, for load sharing to occur, the IP route table needs to contain multiple equal-cost paths to the network.

To enable host-based load sharing for a specific destination network, use the following CLI method.


To enable host-based load sharing for a specific destination network, enter a command such as the following at the global CONFIG level of the CLI:

HP9300(config)# ip load-sharing route-by-host

This command configures the routing switch to use host-based load sharing for traffic to destinations on the network. The routing switch uses network-based load sharing for traffic to other destination networks.

Syntax: [no] ip load-sharing route-by-host <ip-addr> <ip-mask>


Syntax: [no] ip load-sharing route-by-host <ip-addr>/<mask-bits>


You cannot configure this option using the Web management interface.

Disabling Host-Based Load-Sharing

You can disable host-based load sharing for specific destination networks or for all networks. When you disable host-based load sharing for a destination network (or for all destination networks), the software removes the host­ based forwarding cache entries for the destination network(s) and uses network-based forwarding entries instead.

NOTE: This method applies only to networks for which you have explicitly enabled host-based load sharing. If you have enabled host-based load sharing globally but want to change to network-based load sharing, enter the no ip load-sharing by-host command at the global CONFIG level of the CLI.

Use either of the following methods to disable host-based load sharing for destination networks for which you have configured the feature.


To disable host-based load sharing for all the destination networks for which you have explicitly enabled the host­ based load sharing, enter the following command at the global CONFIG level of the CLI:

HP9300(config)# no ip load-sharing route-by-host

To disable host-based load sharing for a specific destination network, enter a command such as the following:

HP9300(config)# no ip load-sharing route-by-host

This command removes the host-based load sharing for the network, but leaves the other host­ based load sharing configurations intact.


You cannot configure this option using the Web management interface.

Changing the Maximum Number of Load Sharing Paths

By default, IP load sharing allows IP traffic to be balanced across up to four equal paths. You can change the maximum number of paths the routing switch supports to a value from 2 – 8.

For optimal results, set the maximum number of paths to a value at least as high as the maximum number of equal-cost paths your network typically contains. For example, if the routing switch you are configuring for IP load sharing has six next-hop routers, set the maximum paths value to six.

6 - 59