Configuring IP Multicast Protocols
11.Click Enable or Disable next to Encapsulation to enable or disable the feature.
12.Click the Add button to save the change to the device’s
13.Select the Save link at the bottom of the dialog. Select Yes when prompted to save the configuration change to the
14.Click on the plus sign next to Command in the tree view to list the command options.
15.Select the Reload link and select Yes when prompted to reload the software. You must reload after enabling DVMRP to place the change into effect. If DVMRP was already enabled when you added the interface, you do not need to reload.
Modifying DVMRP Global Parameters
DVMRP global parameters come with preset values. The defaults work well in most networks, but you can modify the following global parameters if you need to:
•Neighbor timeout
•Route expire time
•Route discard time
•Prune age
•Graft retransmit time
•Probe interval
•Report interval
•Trigger interval
•Default route
Modifying Neighbor Timeout
The neighbor timeout specifies the period of time that a routing switch will wait before it defines an attached DVMRP neighbor router as down. Possible values are 40 – 8000 seconds. The default value is 180 seconds.
To modify the neighbor timeout value to 100, enter the following:
The default is 180 seconds.
1.Log on to the device using a valid user name and password for
2.Click on the plus sign next to Configure in the tree view to expand the list of configuration options.
3.Click on the plus sign next to DVMRP in the tree view to expand the list of DVMRP option links.
4.Click on the General link to display the DVMRP configuration panel, as shown in the following example.
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