vYou update the Remote Supervisor Adapter II firmware. For information about obtaining Remote Supervisor Adapter II firmware and software, see the Installation Guide.
vYour operating system has serial support for text management in the operating system. The following operating systems have serial support:
–Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with emergency management services for serial console support
–Linux operating systems with Agetty serial console support
Serial-to-serial redirection
When serial authentication is enabled, the serial
For serial redirection quick setup information, see “Serial redirection quick setup” on page 86.
To set up the software configuration for
1.Log in to the Remote Supervisor Adapter II on which you want to configure the serial port. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Opening and using the Web interface,” on page 5.
2.In the navigation pane, click Serial Port. A page similar to the one in the following illustration is displayed.
3.In the Serial Port 1 area, set the following values for the fields:
a.In the Port function field, select Serial redirect.
Note: The serial ports are enabled independently for serial redirection. For
34 Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine and Remote Supervisor Adapter II: User’s Guide