Updating firmware
Use the Firmware Update option on the navigation pane to update the firmware of the Remote Supervisor Adapter II.
1.To remotely update the firmware or operating system on the server, see “Remote disk” on page 83.
2.If you plan to use the Remote Control feature after you update the firmware, see “Important information about updating your Remote Supervisor Adapter II firmware” on page 81.
To update the startup or main application files of the Remote Supervisor Adapter II, complete the following steps:
1.Download the latest firmware update applicable for the server in which the Remote Supervisor Adapter II is installed.
a.Go to http://www.ibm.com/support/.
b.Under Support topics, select Multiple file download for personal computing.
c.In the “Downloads and drivers” window, under Select a product, in the Brand field, select Servers.
d.In the Family field, select the server in which the Remote Supervisor Adapter II is installed.
e.Click Continue.
f.Scroll to the Remote Supervisor Adapter II area and select the link for the firmware update.
2.Log in to the Remote Supervisor Adapter II. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Opening and using the Web interface,” on page 5.
3.In the navigation pane, click Firmware Update.
4.Click Browse.
5.Navigate to the PKT or PKC file that you want to update.
Note: For most firmware updates, you are required to update only the Boot Record and Main Application packets.
6.Click Open.
The file (including the full path) is displayed in the box beside Browse.
7.To begin the update process, click Update.
A progress indicator opens as the file is transferred to temporary storage on the Remote Supervisor Adapter II. A confirmation window opens when the file transfer is completed.
8.Verify that the PKT or PKC file that is shown on the Confirm Firmware Update window is what you intend to update. If it is not, click Cancel.
9.To complete the update process, click Continue.
A progress indicator opens as the firmware on the Remote Supervisor Adapter II is flashed. A confirmation window opens to verify that the update was successful.
10.In the navigation pane, click Restart ASM and then click Restart.
Note: You must restart the Remote Supervisor Adapter II after each firmware packet is successfully updated.
11.Click OK to confirm that you want to restart the Remote Supervisor Adapter II.
88 Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine and Remote Supervisor Adapter II: User’s Guide