Chapter 3 - Connecting and In stalling Your Im pulse

Read This Page Before Your Begin!


Always u se ca uti o n when worki ng wi th mechani ca l syste ms. Gea rs and s crew-
driven cylinders are c apabl e of ex erti ng t rem endo us fo rc e against an obs t ruc -
Always ensu re th at p o wer to yo u r syste m i s OF F b ef ore pe rf orm ing any
ma inten anc e ac t iv it y, or ma k ing any c onnecti ons or adjus t m ents.
Do not insert objects into the Im pulse drive. H igh v olt ages c ould c ause per-
sonal injury, and equipment could be damaged beyond repair.
Do not open the Impulse driv e. The factory warranty will be voided if the drive
is op ened.