Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er

Run Menu

•The Run > Stored Move menu is availab le only on drives equipped with the Motion Node
option and can only be accessed from the menu bar. This menu allows you to view all stored
move profiles and to run and stop each stored move.
No editing of moves is available on this menu. During the execution of any stored move, the
Impulse ignores the step and direction inpu ts. Any activity on those inputs is comp letely lost.
In other words, stored moves are not added in with incoming step commands. Typically, it is
not a useful control stratagem to trigger a stored move while en gage d in motion commanded
via the step and direction inputs.
Binary inputs (digital inputs 1, 2, and 3) may be configured as Move Inputs (Active High/
Active Low) for triggering stored moves (Setup > I/O).
Serial Commands - A host system may trigger moves over the serial RS-232/485 connection.
This procedure involves the transmission of Unit Addressing, Parameter Indexes, Data and
Checksum. The advanced topic of serial communications protocol is covered separately in
Appendix B.
•Click on Probe Mo tor to p robe th e motor at any time. Probe the mo tor when a steady red L ED
is present.
Select Jog Motor to access the jog utility shown below. Jog Low and Jog High may be
changed for immediate effect but the configured input speeds (set in the Axis Setup > Com-
mand menu) will not be changed. The center button toggles between High and Low speeds,
and the arrow buttons change motor direction.
•Click on Reset Impulse to clear a fault. Reset is a warm boot.