Chapter 5 - Configuring Impulse with an IDC Keypad

Apply Power to the Keypad

Power is suppli ed to th e FP100 keyp ad thro ugh its con nection t o the Impul se COM P ORT. Note: If
you are using an FP100-RS485, see Chapter 3, Section C for connection procedure.
When power is first applied to the keypad (prior to any menu
being selected) you should observe the display shown on the
right. The t op line of the display sh ows the device your keypad is
connected to (Impulse or PC), while the bottom line shows the
open project file name and status. Note: If your Impulse is
equipped with the optional Motion Nod e, the to p line o f the
display w ill read: CONNECT: Impulse MN
File status is indicated by an asterisk (*). If an d asterisk appears next to the f ile name, this indicates
that the data in the open file has not been sent to the drive. The asterisk disappears when a COPY >
TO PAD or a COPY > FRM PAD is performed. The asterisk reappears when a new project file is
opened or when changes have been made to the currently open project file. See Using the EDIT
Menus in this chapter for opening, saving, and naming files

General Rules for Using the Keypad

Entering Characters with the ALPHA key

The ALPHA key allows you to enter alphabet characters into a project file from the keypad. The
ALPHA key acts as a toggle button between the alphabet characters and the number on a key
Any letter located above a number on a numeric key may be inserted into a file name, i.e. the
A, B, or C on the top part of the #1 key.
You must press ALPHA prior to each letter you wish to enter. You must press ALPHA again if
you want to enter a number immediately following the letter, hence .
Press a key 1, 2, and 3 times to enter the upper case letters.
Press a key 4, 5, and 6 times to enter the lower case letters.
•Press the or arrow keys to move the cursor to the next space.


Use the ESC key to save an entry or selection and move back one screen on the display.


Use the ENTER key to select or save a file in the FILE OPTIONS MENU.

Sending the Factory Defaul t Configuration to the Impulse

In the unlikely event that the Im pulse sustains an EEPROM Fault (7 red LED flashes) , this fault can
be cleared by restoring the factory default configuration. To restore the default configuration:
1. Press the decimal key.
2. Press the right arrow key.
3. Press the DEL key.
CONNECT: Impulse
FILE: untitled *