Chapter 4 - Configuri ng Imp uls e wi th Appl ic atio n Deve lop er
7. Your basic p roject f ile has now b een con figu red b ut the f our “Finish” step s mu st be comp leted
in order to send the project file to the drive and probe the motor.
Click on Config. Comm Port (#1) and select the Port to which you are connecting the
Impulse. Next, select a Unit Number (f rom 1 - 99) f or the Impuls e being configu red. To test
communication using t he current setup, click on Test Connection. Click OK.
Click on Send All (#2) to send the project setup parameters to the drive.
Click on Probe Motor (#3). Pressing this button tells the drive to execute an electronic
probe of the motor to determine a host of proprietary, internal settings for use in the anti-
resonance/stall detect features. Any time the drive is connected to a different type of motor,
or if a new motor file is selected, the motor must be re-probed. When the drive is probing
the attached motor, a 1 kHz tone will be heard emanating from the motor. Depending on
motor type, this tone may persist for up to 15 seconds. Motor probe is not required each
time the Impulse is powered on. .
Click on Set Tuning Values (#4) and enter the values from your IDC motor label.
The project fi le has been sent to the drive and your appli cation can n ow be fine-tun ed using
the Axis Setup menu (starting on the next page).