Chapter 5 - Configuring Impulse with an IDC Keypad

Move Menus - Using Stored Moves

This feature is only available of your Impulse is equipped with the optional Motion Node.
The MOVE menu allows you to edit the Stored-Move parameters (also see Edit > Stored Move menu
in Application Developer).

Stored-Move Profiles

The PROFLE (profile) menu allows you to configure the seven (7) possible stored -move profiles
executed by the internal move engine. Th e move number is selected by using the up or down arrow
keys, and the move profile parameters are selected by using the left or right arrow keys. Units of
acceleration, deceleration, velocity, and distance are defined in EDIT > SETUP > MECH > UNITS,
and scaled by EDIT > SETUP > MECH > RATIO.
There are three (3) types of stored-move profiles:
INC - Incremental
ABS - Absolute
HOME - Home Routine
Incremental moves are indexed the commanded distance from the current position.
Absolute moves are indexed to the commanded position.
Home moves provide a built-in routine to automatically find an exact position to reference all moves
from (i.e. to find the zero position after a system power cycle.) Home moves require the use of at
least one EOT limit swi tch and one input configur ed as an EOT . Home moves do not require the use
of a home s witch.
Home moves are executed as follows:
1. The drive begins moving in the direction specified by the sign of the velocity. Note: Negative
velocities are only valid with Home moves. The move distance is always forced to be the sign
opposite of the velocity sign.
2. The drive moves at the commanded velocity until an EOT switch is encountered and decels at
the rate defined in EDIT > SE TUP > COMAND > STPRTE.
3. The drive then switches direction and moves at 1/16 the commanded velocity to find the leading
edge of the EOT switch.
4. The drive then performs a final in cremental move fro m the edge of the EOT switch equal to the
defined move distance.


- - - ST ORED MOVES - - -