| 5: Commands and Levels |
ieee 802.1x peap | Sets the IEEE 802.1x protocol to PEAP. |
key <hexadecimal> | Sets key. |
| Each byte is represented by two adjacent hex digits. |
| Bytes may run together or be separated by optional punctuation: |
| 123ABC "12 3A BC" 12,3A,BC 12.3a.bc 12:3a:bc |
| Note that quotes must enclose the value if it contains spaces. |
key text <text> | Sets key. |
| Each byte is represented by a single character. |
| Note that quotes must enclose the value if it contains spaces. |
no credentials | Clears the RSA certificate name. |
no key | Removes key. |
no password | Clears the password. |
no username | Clears the user name. |
password <text> | Sets the value for the password. |
| <text> = put quotes around the characters (max 63). |
peap option | Sets the PEAP authentication protocol option to |
peap option | Sets the PEAP authentication protocol option to |
| V2. |
show | Shows the current configuration. |
show history | Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI |
| session. |
username <text> | Sets the value of the username. |
| <text> = value in characters (max 63). |
validate certificate disable | Skips verification of the server certificate when connecting. |
validate certificate enable | Requires verification of the server certificate when connecting. |
write | Stores the current configuration in permanent memory. |
xml (xml) level commands |
clrscrn | Clears the screen. |
exit | Exits to the enable level. |
secret xcr dump | Dump XML configuration containing secrets to the console |
secret xcr dump <group list> | Dump specified XML configuration containing secrets to the con- |
| sole |
secret xcr export <file> | Save XML configuration containing secrets to a file |
secret xcr export <file> <group list> | Save specified XML configuration containing secrets to a local file |
show history | Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI |
| session. |
write | Stores the current configuration in permanent memory. |
xcr dump | Dump XML configuration to the console |
xcr dump <group list> | Dump specified XML configuration to the console |
xcr export <file> | Save XML configuration to a file |
xcr export <file> <group list> | Save specified XML configuration to a local file |
xcr import <file> | Load XML configuration from a local file |
xcr import <file> <group list> | Load specified XML configuration from a local file |
xcr list | List XML Configuration Record groups to the console |
xsr dump | Dump XML Status Records to the console |
xsr dump <group list> | Dump specified XML Status Records to the console |
xsr export <file> | Save XML Status Record to a file |
PremierWave EN Command Reference | 211 |