When ASR is on, the projector monitors the current input for horizontal and vertical scan frequency changes. When a frequency change occurs, the current Input memory and all Recall memories are scanned in search of a memory with matching scan frequencies. If one exists, this memory becomes the current setup memory. If a matching memory is not found, an ASI is performed. ASI automatically adjusts display settings based on the settings of other setup memories stored in the projector. The new settings created by ASI are either a copy of the settings from another setup memory which has matching scan frequencies or an interpolation between “the two closest” setup memories.

ASR is also performed when:

You switch to an input which has ASR set to On.

You select a Recall memory and ASR is set to On for the current input.

A channel is selected which specifies an input which has ASR set to On.

The source frequencies are different than the frequencies in the setup being selected.

When ASR selects a setup memory, a source message is briefly displayed to indicate which memory was selected. If the new memory settings (Input and Recall) match that of one of the channels in the Channel List, the matching channel is used and displayed in the source message. Display adjustments, if made, are stored in the new memory (unless it is locked).



Selected Memory

If, on the other hand, an ASI is performed, a source





message is briefly displayed which includes an ASI



message to indicate the action taken. If an Input



memory with matching scan frequencies was found by



ASI, its settings are used and its identity is displayed. If





an interpolation was performed, the two setup memories


selected for the interpolation are displayed and the

Selected for

resulting settings are used. If adjustments are made to


settings created by the ASI feature, the new settings will

NOT be saved in the current setup memory; a message is displayed to indi- cate this. To perform an ASI and have the adjustments saved in the current

setup memory, press UTIL 1 2 to select the ASI with Save utility.

Note: To avoid selection/use of the current Input memory settings when it is desired that Recall memories be ASR selected when a source change occurs,

clear the current Input memory ( UTIL 1 5 ) to reset its scan frequency settings

to null values, then immediately lock the memory ( UTIL 1 3 ) so that its settings cannot be modified.

For more information about the ASR logic process, refer to Appendix C, ASR/ASI Logic Diagrams.


Page 79
Image 79
Madrigal Imaging MP-8, MP-9 manual Message to indicate the action taken. If an Input