Mechanical Setup
guided tutorial, 3.7
set up of, 2.29
Menu Tree,
Menus, 3.5
Message Boxes, 3.6
the use of, 2.14
front screen, 2.12
rear screen, 2.13
described, H.1
Mute, 3.9
Operating Settings display of, 3.9, 3.10
Optical alignment, 2.17 Optical Screens, 2.13 Optical Setup
guided, 3.7
Pincushion, 3.25 definition, A.6
Position, 3.19 Power
connection of, 2.15 requirements, 2.15 turning on/off, 3.18
Preferences, 3.43 Presentation Level, 3.4 Programmable Events, 3.44, 3.47 Projection Room
lighting, 2.6 reflections, 2.6 windows, 2.6
Projector construction, 1.2 cover removal, 3.2 description, 1.1 identification number, 3.45 mounting, 2.12 position, 2.6, 2.7 selection of, 3.51 upgrading, 1.2
usage guidelines, 4.1
changing keypad, 2.8 definition, A.6
Quick Setup instructions, 2.1
Random Access Convergence, 3.30
Recall Memories, 3.15
definition, A.6
listing of, 3.41, 3.42
Regulatory Approvals, 5.4
Remote Control
preference options, 3.44
Remote Jack, 3.45
Retrace Time, 3.21
Reverse Scan
setup, 2.11
RGB Interface, 2.15
aspect ratio, 2.5 diffused, 2.14 gain, A.3 optical, 2.13, A.6 size, 2.15 types, 2.3
Screen Messages, 3.43 Serial Port
cables, D.1 connections, 2.16
Service locations, 1.2 manuals, 1.2 when to, 4.2
Setup ASI, 2.31 guided, 3.7
of Input memories, 2.30 of Recall memories, 2.31 quick, 2.1
using internal frequencies, 3.39 Setup Memories, 3.14
allocation of, 3.16 clearing, 3.39 locking, 3.16, 3.36 number of, 3.16 types of, 3.15
Setup Memory definition, A.7
Size Function, 3.19, 3.24 Skew, 3.26
Slidebar definition, A.7 described, 3.5
Source connections, 2.15 definition, A.7 message, 3.13 selection, 3.10 selection guide, 3.7 selection of, 3.10, 3.13 setup menu, 3.35
Source Setup guided tutorial, 3.7
Specifications, 5.1
Standby Mode, 3.8 Status Pages, 3.9, 3.10 Switcher
connection of, 2.15 described, H.1 using ASR with, 2.34
Test Patterns
how to display, 3.6
Throw Distance
calculating, 2.5
definition, A.8
tables, F.1
Tint, 3.18
Tutorials, 3.7
Utility Features, 3.34
Volume, 3.9
Warm Up Time, 3.8
Warnings, 4.1
Warranty, 5.4
White Balance, 3.19