Keystone ➤ | A distortion of the image which occurs when the top and bottom borders of | |
| the image are not equal in length. Side borders slant in or out, producing a |
| keystone shaped image. |
Learn Screen ➤ | An ACON function which stores screen position data in memory for future | |
| reference. Learn Screen is usually performed only once per projector installa- |
| tion. If the ACON Locator Assembly or screen is moved (i.e., the projector |
| installation changes to ceiling mount), the Learn Screen function must be |
| repeated. |
Linearity | ➤ | The reproduction of the horizontal and vertical size of characters and/or |
| shapes over the entire screen. |
Line of Best | ➤ | When light from a projector is incident on a screen, the light reflects from |
Viewing |
| the screen such that the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence. |
| The Line of Best Viewing is along the line of reflection. |
Locator Assembly ➤ | The Locator Assembly, situated on the front of the projector, is the "eye" | |
| of the ACON system. It includes a photosensor/lens component which |
| mechanically scans the projected display at each convergence point while |
| sensing relative positions of each projected color. |
Loopthrough ➤ | The method of feeding a series of high impedance inputs from a single | |
(Loopthru) |
| video source with a coaxial transmission line in such a manner that the line |
| is terminated with its characteristic impedance at the last input on the line. |
Lumen ➤ | The amount of visible light emitted by a light source is measured in lumens. | |
Lux ➤ | The amount of visible light per square meter incident on a surface. | |
| 1 lux = 1 lumen/square meter = 0.093 |
Menu ➤ | A list of options which are displayed on the screen for selection by the user. |
NTSC Video ➤ A video output format of some video tape and disk players. There are two types of NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) video: NTSC
3.58and NTSC 4.43. NTSC 3.58 is used primarily in North America and Japan. NTSC 4.43 is less commonly used.