Assign Ethernet I/F operation

The following describes how to operate the Ethernet I/F assign.

The setting operation is same as that of the communication setting screen.

1. Touch the [Assign Ethernet I/F] button in [Communication Setting].

2. After the screen shown left is displayed, touch the channel number specification menu BOX when changing the channel number.

( 10.1.4 Channel number setting operation)

3. For changing the parameter settings, touch the driver display BOX.

( 10.2Communication Detail Setting)

4. Touching the [OK] button reflects the changed settings. Touching [ ] button returns the screen to the [Communication Setting] screen.

5. Touch the [OK] button in the [Communication Setting] screen.

6. Touching the [ ] button restarts the GOT and the GOT operates with the changed settings.

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10.1 Communication setting