Chapter 5 - System Maintenance
The MGC+ unit provides on-line diagnostics for quick isolation and
resolution of problems. The card status and the MCU's status can be viewed
in the Browser and the Status areas of the MGC+ Manager main window. The
full messages regarding the cards status can also be viewed in the Status box
of the Card Settings dialog box. For more information, see the MGC+
Administrator’s Guide, Chapter 4, “MCU Card Management”.
Faults and errors (usually software) are recorded in the Faults file and can be
viewed in the faults dialog box (accessed from the MCU right-click pop-up
menu). For more details, see the MGC+ Administrator’s Guide, Chapter 5.
A list of system faults can be viewed via the Faults function. A detailed list of
faults can be found in the MGC+ Administrator’s Guide, Appendix B.