This appendix explains the most common problems and error messages you might encounter when using ViaVideo, and explains how to correct them.
General Troubleshooting
The following table presents problems you might encounter while using ViaVideo, their explanations, and possible solutions.
Problem | Explanation | Solution |
ViaVideo generates the | The installer program can | Remove any directories that |
following error message | not create the temporary | begin with _is from their |
during install: | file needed to run the install. | Windows temp directory |
“Unable to open temporary |
| and restart the install. |
| |
file” |
Address Book operation is | There is a faulty ILS server | Make sure that the IP |
very slow | connection. | address you entered for the |
| address book server is |
| correct. |
The ViaVideo application | ViaVideo is not able to | 1. Make sure the ViaVideo |
window displays an | connect to the ViaVideo | camera unit is turned on. |
animation where the near | camera unit. | 2. Check the cable |
video image should be. |
| |
| connections (power, | |
| |
| USB) |
| 3. |
| You must use ViaVideo |
| software to drive the |
| ViaVideo camera unit. |
| Likewise, the ViaVideo |
| application only works with |
| the ViaVideo camera unit. |
© Polycom, Inc. | 77 | ViaVideo User’s Guide |