5 – Managing Ports Displaying Port Information
Table | |
Entry | Description |
Start Time | The beginning of the period over which the statistics apply. The |
| start time for the Absolute view is not applicable. The start time |
| for the Rate view is the beginning of polling interval. The start |
| time for the Baseline view is the last time the baseline was set. |
End Time | The last time the statistics were updated on the display. |
Total Time | Total time period from start time to end time. |
Al Init | Number of times the port entered the initialization state. |
AL Init Error | Number of times the port entered initialization and the initial- |
| ization failed. Increments count when port has a sync loss. |
Bad Frames | Number of frames that were truncated due to a loss of sync or |
| the frame didn't end with an EOF. |
Class 2 Frames In | Number of class 2 frames received by this port. |
Class 2 Frames Out | Number of class 2 frames transmitted by this port. |
Class 2 Words In | Number of class 2 words received by this port. |
Class 2 Words Out | Number of class 2 words transmitted by this port. |
Class 3 Frames In | Number of class 3 frames received by this port. |
Class 3 Frames Out | Number of class 3 frames transmitted by this port. |
Class 3 Toss | Number of class 3 frames that were discarded by this port. A |
| frame can be discarded because of detection of a missing |
| frame (based on SEQ_CNT), detection of an E_D_TOV time- |
| out, receiving a reject frame, or receiving a frame on an offline |
| port. |
Class 3 Words In | Number of class 3 words received by this port. |
Class 3 Words Out | Number of class 3 words transmitted by this port. |
Decode Errors | Number of invalid transmission words detected during decod- |
| ing. Decoding is from the |
| acters. |
Ep Connects | Number of E_Port logins. |
FBusy | Number of class 2 and class 3 fabric busy (F_BSY) frames |
| generated by this port in response to incoming frames. This |
| usually indicates a busy condition on the fabric or N_port that |
| is preventing delivery of this frame. |