In addition, calls from the party to whom you have forwarded your calls will now ring through to your phone.
•Callback Queuing is now called Trunk Callback Queuing and operates slightly differently. The CBX notifies you with triple rings (previously one long ring) when the trunk becomes free. After you answer, your call will be dialed automatically, so that you no longer need to press the Connect key to connect to the call.
•Conference calls change in that you now press the Transfer key (instead of the Flash key) to place the first party on consultation hold. Also, all of the other members in a conference call besides yourself can be on trunks (outside lines), and you can now remove a particular party in the conference.
•Consultation calls also use the Transfer key (instead of the Flash key) to place the first party on consultation hold.
•Dial Call is replaced by
•Executive Override is now called Busy Override, since it breaks through to a busy extension but does not ring a phone in Do Not Disturb mode.
•The Flash key is replaced entirely by the Transfer key.