To answer a | ➩ Press the Callback (CALLBCK) key. | |
message or |
| |
PhoneMail noti- | The CBX automatically dials the extension that | |
fication on a | left the message or dials the PhoneMail system. | |
display phone | ||
The message or notification is cancelled when | ||
| ||
| the called party or the PhoneMail system | |
| answers. | |
To answer a | ➩ Press the Callback (CALLBCK) key. | |
ROLMfax notifi- |
| |
cation on a | The CBX automatically dials the ROLMfax | |
display phone | system. The notification is cancelled when the | |
| ||
| ROLMfax system answers. | |
To delete a dis- | ➩ Press the CLEAR key. | |
played message | ||
or notification |
| |
To get out of a | ➩ Press the PROGRAM key. | |
display | ||
To answer a | ➩ Press the MAILBOX key. | |
message or |
| |
notification on a | The CBX automatically dials the extension that | |
left the message, or the ROLMfax system. It | ||
telephone | ||
cancels the message or notification when the | ||
| ||
| called party answers. PhoneMail notifications | |
| are indicated by a separate PhoneMail | |
| (PHMAIL) key on |