Commonly Encountered Errors
LOGCONN Errors in Adaptive Server After Using Backup ServerThe Adaptive Server site handler reports this error when the server has
unexpectedly lost contact with another site. If the other site is a Backup Server,
then a dump or load session has prematurely completed. This error message
appears in the Adaptive Server error log:
site_hdlr: No LOGCONN for packet from site 1, channel 2
When the error is reported because a dump or load session was aborted by a
user interrupt (such as Ctrl-c), the message should be treated as an
informational message.
This error can also be reported if the Adaptive Server unexpectedly loses
contact with the Backup Server. In this case, the error should be investigated.
load {database | transaction} with listonly Locks DatabaseA database being loaded into is locked so that no other users can use it, even
though no actual data may be loaded, as in the case of a load with listonly. To
work around load with listonly locking an active database, create a dummy
database and do the load with listonly into that database instead of the database
you do not want to have locked.
Some Messages from Backup Server Are LostMessages initiated by a threshold procedure may be lost if the boot window is
not present. Adaptive Server has no mechanism for intercepting a Tabular Data
Stream (TDS) received from other servers; the TDS is merely passed on to the
client. Threshold procedures have no “client,” so messages from Backup
Server to these tasks will not appear unless you specify otherwise.
You must specify notify=operator_console if the dump is invoked by a stored
procedure, including sp_thresholdaction; this is an issue for volume change
prompts, for example, to which you cannot respond if you never see them.
dump database on Digital OpenVMS Alpha/Digital UNIX Raises ErrorAttempting to use dump database when your database devices are on raw
partitions (DEC HSC [mscp] devices) raises the following error: