7419 16 lct_admin(abort): Process %d that you are trying to abort is not a valid process. Choose a
process with id between %d and %d.
Explanation: Check command inputs and retry.
7420 16 lct_admin(abort): Cannot abort yourself. Your process id %d and the given process id %d.
Explanation: Check command inputs and retry.
7421 16 lct_admin(abort): Process %d is not an active process. Cannot abort it.
Explanation: Check command inputs and retry.
7422 16 lct_admin(abort): Process %d is not an user process. Only an user pr oc ess w aitin g on log -
suspend mode can be aborted.
Explanation: Check command inputs and retry.
7423 10 lct_admin(abort): Process %d waiting on log-suspend state on database '%S_DBID is
being aborted.
Explanation: This is an informational message.
7424 16 lct_admin(abort): Cannot abort process %d, as it is not sl eeping on log-suspend state in
database '%S_DBID'.
Explanation: Check command inputs and retry.
7425 16 lct_admin(unsuspend): This command is not supported a ny mo r e . If yo u w a nt t o a bo rt the
tasks sleeping on log-suspend state, please consider using lct_admin(abort).
Explanation: Invalid command.
7426 16 lct_admin(abort): Database '%S_DBID' did not reach the last chance threshold. This
command will have no effect on the database.
Explanation: This is an informational message.
7427 10 Failed to complete LCT_ADMIN() function. Please look for any previous messages that
may help identify the cause.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is
required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
(Not raised in 11.9.2)
7428 17 Could not add the last chance threshold for database '%S_DB ID'.
Explanation: Command did not execute due to potential resource problem.
7429 16 Database '%.*s' contains too many thresholds. It may con tain at most %d thre shold s. Drop
thresholds as required to bring the database below the limit.
Explanation: Take the corrective action indicated.
7433 10 Hit %s on database ’%S_DBID’ for %s segment during upgrade. Not spawn ing thres hold
action procedure.
Explanation: This is an informational message but may require follow-up action.
Contact your System Administrator.
Number Severity Text and Explanation