702 20 Memory request for %d bytes exceeds the size of single page of %d bytes.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
703 17 You cannot run this procedure, trigger, or SQL batch because it r equires more than %ld
pages of memory. Break it up into shorter queries, if possible.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
704 20 Tried to free procedure header 0x%lx, but it's still in u se by procedure `%.* s' at procedure
buffer 0x%lx.
Explanation: The problem may be due to memory corruption. Shut down and restart
Adaptive Server to clear the memory structures.
705 19 There is no room for process %d to store PROC_HDR 0x%lx in Pss.
Explanation: Command failed when a configurable limit was exceeded. Reconnect to
Adaptive Server and report the error to your System Administrator.
706 20 Process %d tried to remove PROC_HDR 0x%lx that it does not hold in Pss.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
707 20 System error detected during attempt to free memory at address 0x%lx. Please consult
the SQL Server error log for more details.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
708 17 There is insufficient system memory to run kernel task. spid %d, kpid %d.
Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Modify the command to fit
available resources, retry when the resource is available, or contact your System
Administrator to address the resource problem.
709 17 There is insufficient system memory to continue login process for spid %d.
Explanation: See the writeup for Error 709.
710 20 Memory request for %d bytes is too small.
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current
process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so
dbcc diagnostics can be run.
711 17 There is presently insufficient system memory to allocate %ld bytes for new structures.
Please try again when there is less activity on the system.
Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Modify the command to fit
available resources, retry when the resource is available, or contact your System
Administrator to address the resource problem.
712 17 There is insufficient heap memory to allocate %ld bytes. Please increase configuration
parameter ’heap memory per user’ or try again when there is less activity on the system.
Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Modify the command to fit
available resources, retry when the resource is available, or contact your System
Administrator to address the resource problem.
Number Severity Text and Explanation