CHAPTER 4 Backup Server Error Messages
Backup Server: Server, device /dev/44a0e: You
must use the no-rewind-on-close tape device.
This is not a raw device problem in general, but a DEC HSC (mscp) device
issue. Digital UNIX has a known problem on its HSC device driver that causes
Backup Server to fail to identify the HSC device type. Digitals's CLD #00266
states that such devices return 0 when queried with “MTIOCGET ioctl.”
Warning! Sybase currently supports only SCSI devices on Digital UNIX.
Error 5704 in the OpenVMS Backup Server error logError 5704: "Changed client character set setting to '%.*s'” appears in the
System 11 Backup Server error log on OpenVMS, even when the character sets
and language of the Backup Server and the Adaptive Server appear the same.
The errors are written every time a dump or load command is issued. Logging
in to the Backup Server and immediately exiting generates this error as well.
The Adaptive Server error log reports the following:
00:97/02/14 15:40:50.59 server SQL Server's default sort order is:
00:97/02/14 15:40:50.69 server 'bin_iso_1' (ID = 50)
00:97/02/14 15:40:50.79 server on top of default character set:
00:97/02/14 15:40:50.89 server 'iso_1' (ID = 1).
The runserver file for the Backup Server appears as follows:
$ define sybase_system DISK$TECH_SUPPORT:[REL1002.]
$ define sybase sybase_system:[sybase]
$ backup_server:==$DISK$TECH_SUPPORT:[REL1002.SYBASE.bin]backup-server.exe
$ backup_server /SERVER_NAME="BCK_RAPIDF" -
/LANGUAGE=us_english -
Even though the character sets for the Backup Server and the Adaptive Server
appear to be identical, they are not so to the backupserver.exe program.
OpenVMS DCL Command Language Interpreter converts command string
tokens, except the strings enclosed in double quotes, to uppercase before
returning the parsed commands to the calling programs.
Consequently, to log into the Adaptive Server you must specify your user name
in quotes as in the following command: