8207 error 616
821 error 240
8210 error 617
8211 error 618
8219 error 619
822 error 241
823 error 243
832 error 245
834 error 246
835 error 248
840 error 248
8402 error 621
8419 error 622
842 error 249
847 error 250
849 error 251
852 error 253
855 error 254
8601 error 625
861 error 255
863 error 256
8704 error 626
9004 error 627
903 error 257
905 error 258
906 error 260
908 error 261
911 error 85, 262
9122 error 628
913 error 263
916 error 264
921 error 266
924 error 267
925 error 268
926 error 270
930 error 272
935 error 273
940 error 275
941 error 276
945 error 277
950 error 279
AAccess errors 192
Error 601 192
Error 603 193
Error 605 195
Error 611 198
Error 614 199
Error 622 202
Error 623 202
Error 624 204
Error 625 207
Error 631 211
Error 644 215
Error 678 216
Error 691 216
Error 692 218
Error 693 219
Error 694 220
Error 695 222
Error 696 223
Error 697 224
Access Method errors 191
locked, and 4002 error 488
Adaptive Server
character set support error 654
does not start 4, 17
rebuilding manually 17
resetting to default configuration 39
returning to multi-user mode 34
starting in single-user mode 33
starting with trace flags 80
Adjust table
and 2506 error 361
1108 error 289
3403 error 455
7989 error 609
structure 386
Allocation errors
and single-user mode 90
detecting early 89
explanation of 86
fixing with the fix option 86
Allocation hints space
and 1732 error 339
Allocation pages
and 1129 error 295