CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
Server Error Messages 4900 - 49994842 16 Bulk copy failed. Partition number %d was specified for table '%.*s', but that table is not
Explanation: Check command parameters and table, and retry.
4843 10 Slow bulk copy is being used because table '%.*s' has triggers or indexes.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Bulk copy may take an extended period.
4844 16 Bulk copy failed. Identity start value %S_NUME was specified for table '%.*s', but that
table does not have an identity column.
Explanation: Check command parameters and table,and retry.
4845 16 Bulk copy failed. Client does not have the capability to bulk copy into the data- only locked
table '%.*s'.
Explanation: Check Adaptive Server and client environment, setup.
4846 20 Bulk copy failed. Error occurred while updating the last page of the table.
Explanation: Error in bulk copy affected current process. Contact System Administrator.
4847 16 BCP insert operation is disabled when LONGCHAR capability is turned on and data size
is changing between client and server character sets since BCP does not support
Explanation: Illegal command.
Number Severity Text and Explanation
Number Severity Text and Explanation
4901 16 ALTER TABLE only allows columns to be added which ca n contain nulls. Column `%.*s'
cannot be added to table `%.*s' because it does not allow nulls.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics,
and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
4902 11 Cannot alter table `%.*s', because this table does not exist in database `%S_DBID'.
Explanation: Command failed. Check your database for the object not found and re-
enter the command with the correct name.
4905 21 ALTER TABLE failed because page %ld of the system catalog sysindexes in database
`%.*s' is not in the cache.
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting all processes in the
current database. Report the error to your System Administrator. Adaptive Server must be
restarted and dbcc diagnostics run.