CHAPTER 4 Backup Server Error Messages
Backup Server Error Messages 4.76.3 - 2 Unable to %1! database information file %2! : %3!.
Explanation: UNIX Backup Servers use a temporary
file (created in /tmp) to pass database device names to
the sybmultbuf program. An I/O error with this file has
occurred. User should verify that /tmp is world-
writable, has sufficient space, and contains no unused
files of the form BS_servername.number.
4.75.3 3 Device %1!: %2! is not a legal virtual disk number.
Explanation: Internal error, contact Sybase
Technical Support. Backup Server cannot determine
what portions of the specified database device should
be backed up because information about the device
sent from Adaptive Server does not correspond with
the actual physical device.
Number Severity Text and Explanation
Number Severity Text and Explanation
4.76.3 3 Device %1!: %2! is not a legal virtual block number.
Explanation: Internal error, contact Sybase
Technical Support. Backup Server cannot determine
what portions of the specified database device should
be backed up because information about the device
sent from Adaptive Server does not correspond with
the actual physical device.
4.77.2 2 Device %1! may not be used: minimum blocksize for
I/O exceeds device maxiumum of %2!.
Explanation: Backup Server requires tape devices to
support an I/O size of at least 2K. The tape device
found has a maximum I/O size less than 2K. This
message should never appear. If it does, user should
check device name specification. If correct, user must
use another device.
4.78.2 2 Option %1!: illegal value %2!.
Explanation: This indicates the user has supplied an
illegal value for a device option. Review the device
options and legal values.