Server Error Messages 2500–2599
2541 16 Table Corrupt: object id does not match between extent in allocation pa ge and sysindexes;
check the following extent: alloc pg#=%ld extent#=%ld object id on extent=%ld (object
name = %.*s) object id in sysindexes=%ld (object name = %.*s)
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
2542 16 Table Corrupt: Extent is linked in more than one chain. Check the following allocation
page and extent: alloc pg#=%ld extent#=%ld status=%d
Explanation: There may be possible corruption in a database or a database object . Take
any corrective action indicated by the message. Consult the Adaptive Server System
Administration Guide and the Troubleshooting Guide.
2543 16 Table Corrupt: Extent structures are linked incorrectly; check the following extent: alloc
pg#=%ld extent#=%ld previous extent# on this ext ent=%ld previous extent should be=%ld
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
2544 16 Table Corrupt: Extent id %ld on allocation pg# %ld had object id %ld (object name =
%.*s) on but used bit off
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
2545 16 Table Corrupt: Extent#=%ld on allocation pg#=%ld was used but object id was 0,
Explanation: There may be possible corruption in a database or a database object.
Takeany corrective action indicated by the message. Consult the Adaptive Server System
Administration Guide and the Troubleshooting Guide.
2546 16 Table Corrupt: Extent id %ld on allocation pg# %ld has objid %ld an d used bit on, but
reference bit off.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
2547 16 Table Corrupt: Segment number %d specified for use in the segment map in sysusages has
no entry in syssegments. The entry in sysusages is for dbid %d (db name = %S_DBID),
with a virtual starting address of %ld.
Explanation: Run dbcc checkcatalog, collect dbcc output and report the error to Sybase
Technical Support.
2548 16 There is no default segment specified in syssegments.
Explanation: Information in syssgements may be corrupt. Run dbcc checkcatalog,
collect dbcc output and report the error to Sybase Technical Support.
2549 16 There is more than one default segment specified in syssegments.
Explanation: Information in syssgements may be corrupt. Run dbcc checkcatalog,
collect dbcc output and report the error to Sybase Technical Support.
2550 16 Missing segment in sysusages segmap.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
2551 10 The following segments have been defined for database %d (database name %S_DBID).
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is
required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
Number Severity Text and Explanation