CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
11026 10 Warning: The statement on line %d uses the '%.*s' option with the view '%.*s'.
Performance hint options are valid only for tables. This hint will b e ignored.
Explanation: There may be a potential problem with a database or database object.
Contact your System Administrator.
11029 16 An index was found on table '%.*s' created via SELECT I NTO. Parallel inserts into
indexed tables is unsupported. Drop the table and retry the command.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
11030 16 Execution of %S_MSG %.*s failed because the server was unable t o ch ange the owner
context in database %S_DBID when upgrading the compiled object.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
11031 16 Execution of %S_MSG %.*s failed because of er r ors parsing the source text in
syscomments during upgrade. Please drop and recreate %.*s.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
11032 16 Execution of %S_MSG %.*s failed because the upgrade proc essing found incorrect
source text in syscomments. Please drop and recreate %.*s.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
11033 16 Execution of %S_MSG %.*s failed because the upgrade processi ng did not find source
text in syscomments. Please drop and recreate %.*s.
Explanation: ommand failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check synt ax, semant ics,
and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
11034 16 Execution of %S_MSG %.*s failed because the hidden source text could not be decrypted
during upgrade. Please drop and recreate %.*s.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
11035 16 Execution of %S_MSG %.*s failed because upgrade found no entr y in syscomments for
this object. Please drop and recreate %.*s.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
11036 16 Your password will expire in %.*s days.
Explanation: This is an informational message or a message header. No action is
11037 16 You specified an incorrect datatype for the variable containing the ’execute imme diate’
command string.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
Number Severity Text and Explanation