Error 7939 603
Error 7940 605
Error 7949 607
Error 7989 609
Error 8006 610
Error 8009 611
Error 803 232
Error 804 234
Error 806 235
Error 813 237
Error 820 238
Error 8201 613
Error 8203 613
Error 8204 615
Error 8207 616
Error 821 240
Error 8210 617
Error 8211 618
Error 8219 619
Error 822 241
Error 823 243
Error 834 246
Error 835 248
Error 840 248
Error 8402 621
Error 8419 622
Error 842 249
Error 847 250
Error 849 251
Error 852 253
Error 855 254
Error 8601 625
Error 861 255
Error 863 256
Error 8704 626
Error 9004 627
Error 903 257
Error 905 258
Error 906 260
Error 911 85, 262
Error 9122 628
Error 913 263
Error 916 264
Error 921 266
Error 924 267
Error 925 268
Error 926 270
Error 930 272
Error 935 273
Error 940 275
Error 941 276
Error 945 277
Error 950 279
Error and exception handling errors 467, 469
Error 3604 469
Error 3621 469
Error 3626 471
Error log 135
monitoring 127
Operating System 131
script for checking 127
Error severity levels 135
access method 191
alter database 512
alter table 508
auditing 592
Buffer Manager 231
character set conversion 353
commit and abort 449
configuration 527
create utilities 339, 424
dataserver 487
dbcc 357, 597
Descriptor Manager 613
disk 515
distributed database network 560
dump and load 493
dump and load 438
error and exception handling 467
Fault Isolation Utility 633
initialization 325
insert 416
kernel 651
Lock Manager 304
Memory Manager 216
Open Client 525
Open Database Manager 256
Parser 141, 579
Procedure Manager 431
process kill 546
Process Status Structure 625