Server Error Messages 1 - 199
159 15 For DROP INDEX, must give both the table and the index name, in the form
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantics. Rewrite the command to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
160 15 Rule does not contain a variable.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantics. Rewrite the command to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
161 15 Rule contains more than one variable.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantics. Rewrite the command to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
162 15 The select list item identified by the order by number `%ld' is a `*', rather than a column
name. When ordering by column number, a column name must appear in the select list
position that corresponds to the order by number.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantics. Rewrite the command to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
163 15 The COMPUTE BY list does not match the ORDER BY list.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantics. Rewrite the command to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
164 15 GROUP BY expressions must refer to column names.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantics. Rewrite the command to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
165 16 Privilege %s may not be GRANTed or REVOKEd.
Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. The command
violates a permission or privilege restriction. Check the comm and and working database
166 15 %s does not allow specifying the database name as a prefix to the object name.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantics. Rewrite the command to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
167 16 May not create a trigger on a temporary object.
Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Check your
command for missing or incorrect database objects, variable names, and /or input data.
168 15 The %S_MSG `%.*s' is out of the range of machine representation (%d bytes).
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantics.
169 15 Expression `%d' and `%d' in the ORDER BY list are same. Expressi ons in the ORDER
BY list must be unique.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantics. Rewrite the command to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
171 15 Can't use SELECT INTO in Browse Mode.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantics. Rewrite the command to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
Number Severity Text and Explanation