allocation pages Database-wide pages Adaptive Server uses to maintain the information
about how each unit of 256 contiguous database pages is used.
buffer A buffer is a structure that Adaptive Server uses to store physical disk
pages while they are in memory. When a page is read into memory from
disk, a buffer header is assigned to it. The header tracks the usage and the
contents of the page image. Together, the page and the buffer header
define a buffer.
clustered index An index in which the physical order of the da ta and the logical (indexed)
order of the data is the same. Only one clustered index can exist on a table.
See also “leaf level.”
dbtable A dbtable is a memory structure that tracks information about a database;
for example whether the database is currently in use, whether it is in
single-user mode, and and other data needed by a server task accessing the
error log The Adaptive Server error log file includes:
Adaptive Server restart messages (including database recovery
Fatal error messages
Error messages from the kernel
The name of this file varies; see the Adaptive Server installation and
configuration guide for details.
The Backup Server has its own error log file where Backup Server error
messages are written. Refer to “Backup Server Error Logging” in the
System Administration Guide for details.
The SQL Monitor Server has its own error log file where SQL Monitor
Server error messages are written. Refer to the Monitor Server
Supplement for your platform for details.
The Replication Server has its own error log file where Replication Server
error messages are written. Refer to the Replication Server Administration
Guide for details.