3623 10 A transaction on a no_log table was undone. Check the errorlog file in the SQL Server
directory for details.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is
required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
3624 10 Truncation error occurred.
Explanation: This is an informational message but may require follow-up action.
Contact your System Administrator.
3625 10 Table: %.*s scan count %lu, logical reads: %lu, physical reads: %lu, estimated I/O cost:
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is
required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
3626 17 The transaction was aborted because it used too much stack space. Either use sp_configure
to increase the stack size, or break the query into smaller pieces. spid: %d, suid: %d,
hostname: %.*s, application name: %.*s
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
3627 10 Conversion of char/varchar datatype to security label datatype failed.
Explanation: This is an informational message but may require follow-up action.
Contact your System Administrator.
3628 10 Conversion of security label datatype to char/varchar datatyp e failed.
Explanation: This is an informational message but may require follow-up action.
Contact your System Administrator.
3629 10 Statement: %d Subquery: %d cache size: %d hits: %d misses: %d
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is
required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
3630 10 Total estimated I/O cost for statement %u (at line %u): %ld.
Explanation: This message is informational and is displayed if you have enabled
Resource Limits for the server.
3631 10 Total actual I/O cost for this command: %ld.
Explanation: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
3632 10 Command batch has been aborted.
Explanation: This is an informational message.
3634 20 Task %d is trying to release a latch 0x%x which is already free.
Explanation: This is an internal error affecting the current process. Contact your SA.
Number Severity Text and Explanation