Server Error Messages 9200 - 9299
9258 20 %S_REPAGNT: Could not re-read EXECBEGIN log record at (%d, %d), current marker
(% d, %d).
Explanation: Internal error, affects current process. Contact your SA.
9259 20 %S_REPAGNT: Could not read TEXTINSERT/INOOPTEXT log record at (%d, %d),
current marker (%d, %d).
Explanation: Internal error, affects current process. Contact your SA.
9261 20 %S_REPAGNT: This Rep Agent Thread is aborting due to an unrecoverable
communications or Replication Server error.
Explanation: Internal error, affects current process. Contact your SA.
9262 16 Failed to start a Rep Agent Thread for the database specified because a Rep Agent Thread
is already running for that database.
Explanation: Check replication environment.
9263 10 %S_REPAGNT: Turning Batch mode on.
9264 10 %S_REPAGNT: Turning Batch mode off.
Explanation: This is an informational message.
9265 10 %S_REPAGNT: Ignoring LTL errors.
Explanation: This is an informational message.
9266 10 %S_REPAGNT: Error in passthru packet: '%.*s'.
9267 20 %S_REPAGNT: A security mechanism was specified, but no security service(s) were
specified. Please use 'sp_config_rep_agent' to specify which security servic e(s) to use
when connecting to the Replication Server.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics,
and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by the message.
9268 20 %S_REPAGNT: The security service '%.*s' was specified, but it is not supported by the
security mechanism. Please check the security service(s) and/or security mechanism
specified to sp_config_rep_agent. (CT-lib error %d).
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics,
and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by the message.
9269 20 %S_REPAGNT: Failure initializing the security mechanism '%.*s'. Please check the
'security mechanism' specified to sp_config_rep_agent. (CT-lib error % d).
Explanation: Check the security mechanism that was specified for connections to the
Replication Server.
9270 10 %S_REPAGNT: Using default security mechanism.
Explanation: This is an informational message. No action is required.
9271 20 %S_REPAGNT: Failure initializing the default security mechanism. Please check that a
security mechanism has been properly configered. (CT-lib error %d)
Explanation: Check the default security mechanism set up for Replication Server.
Number Severity Text and Explanation