Error 1608 333
Error 1613 334
Error 1621 335
Error 1622 336
Error 1623 337
and 1203 error 306
and 2620 error 421
Insert errors
2626 error 422
Error 2601 416
Error 2610 416
Error 2615 418
Error 2619 419
Error 2620 420
Error 2628 424
insert errors 416
and 2812 error 434
and permissions error 435
executing 35
executing 35
Interfaces file
and 1602 error 328
and 1605 error 330
and 7220 error 569
and 7221 error 572
and kernel message 667
-J flag 654
JJoin operation limits 227
KKernel errors 651
basis_daioconfig 651
buffer mismatch 653
character set 654
could not create shared memory 655
current process infected with %d 655
dopen 657
dstart I/O request repeatedly delayed 659
failed to open device 663
file already in use 664
memory too fragmented 665
memory usage in procedure headers 666
network information 667
no more alarms available 668
open objects parameter may be too low 669
os_attach_region 670
os_create_region 671
read-write error 673
server is unnamed 674
stack guardword 675
t_rcvconnect 678
udunmirror errors 678
ueoffline 680
Kernel message
device full 512
stack guardword and 3626 error 471
and 17716 error 640
and 7406 error 584
and 7408 error 586
Leaf page 367
and or or expressions 178
on joins 227
on search conditions 227
load database
and 631 error 212
load database
and 3105 error 440
and 3225 error 447
and 3240 error 449
and 4322 error 503
failure 272
when sort orders differ 441
Loading a database
after corruption 207
on an object 308