modifying for UNIX 80
Ssdes 232, 234
Search condition limits 227
default 395
log 396
mapping 394
system 395
and 1203 error 306
select into
and 4207 error 498
select into/bulkcopy
how to activate 170
Sequencer Errors 147
Error 195 159
Error 207 147
Error 208 148
Error 213 150
Error 216 151
Error 225 153
Error 226 154
Error 229 155
Error 232 156
Error 233 157
Error 257 162
Error 259 163
Error 265 165
Error 266 166
Error 268 169
Error 277 171
Sequencer errors 594, 630, 637
Error 11018 630
Error 14200 637
Error 247 160
Error 7783 594
Error 7788 595
Server is unnamed error 674
servername global variable
and 'Server is Unnamed' error 675
servername global variable
and 7214 error 566
Session descriptors 232, 234
and 603 error 193
system 193
user 193
worktable 193
set showplan on 121
set statistics io on 122
set statistics time on 124
Severity levels 135
Shrinking a database 440
and 631 error 214
Single-user mode
and 924 error 267
starting Adaptive Server in 33
Site Buffer Manager errors 626
Error 8704 626
Sort failure
and 1510 error 321
Sort Manager Errors 315
Error 1501 315
Error 1505 316
Error 1508 318
Error 1509 319
Error 1510 321
Error 1514 322
Error 1530 323
Error 1531 324
Sort Manager errors 313
Sort order
and 2714 error 426
and dump/load 441
changing 441
sort order
changing manually 58
how to view existing 65
and 1530 error 323
and 1531 error 324
sp_addlogin 38
sp_addmessage 138
and 2558 error 399
sp_addserver 674
and 7214 error 566
and 7221 error 572